import processing.opengl.*;
// Used for oveall rotation
float ang;
// Cube count-lower/raise to test P3D/OPENGL performance
int limit = 800;
// Array for all cubes
Cube[]cubes = new Cube[limit];
void setup() {
size(1024, 768, OPENGL);
// Instantiate cubes, passing in random vals for size and postion
for (int i = 0; i< cubes.length; i++){
cubes[i] = new Cube(int(random(-10, 10)), int(random(-10, 10)),
int(random(-10, 10)), int(random(-140, 140)), int(random(-140, 140)),
int(random(-140, 140)));
void draw(){
// Set up some different colored lights
pointLight(247, 247, 92, 65, 60, 100);
pointLight(93, 237, 236, -65, -60, -150);
// Raise overall light in scene
ambientLight(55, 55, 25);
// Center geometry in display windwow.
// you can change 3rd argument ('0')
// to move block group closer(+)/further(-)
translate(width/2, height/2, -200 + mouseX * 0.65);
// Rotate around y and x axes
// Draw cubes
for (int i = 0; i < cubes.length; i++){
// Used in rotate function calls above
void mousePressed(){
class Cube {
// Properties
int w, h, d;
int shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ;
// Constructor
Cube(int w, int h, int d, int shiftX, int shiftY, int shiftZ){
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.d = d;
this.shiftX = shiftX;
this.shiftY = shiftY;
this.shiftZ = shiftZ;
// Main cube drawing method, which looks
// more confusing than it really is. It's
// just a bunch of rectangles drawn for
// each cube face
void drawCube(){
// Front face
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
// Back face
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
// Left face
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
// Right face
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
// Top face
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
// Bottom face
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ);
vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);
// Add some rotation to each box for pizazz.